Server Adress:
/home/httpd/html/ |
Current File : /home/httpd/html/mojo_nagios_diskspace_check.php |
<style type='text/css'>
body {
width: 540px;
margin: 30px auto;
.progress {
border: 2px solid #26D;
height: 32px;
width: 540px;
margin: 30px auto;
.progress .prgbar {
background: #ACF;
width: 0%;
position: relative;
height: 32px;
z-index: 999;
.progress .prgtext {
color: #238;
width: 540px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 9px 0 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
.progress .prginfo {
margin: 3px 0;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
exec('mount | grep "ext[234]\|xfs" | cut -d\ -f3 | grep -v "/boot\|/backup"', $filesystems);
foreach ($filesystems as $fs) {
$df = disk_free_space($fs);
$dt = disk_total_space($fs);
$du = $dt - $df;
$dp = sprintf('%.2f',($du / $dt) * 100);
$df = formatSize($df);
$du = formatSize($du);
$dt = formatSize($dt);
if ( $dp >= $warn ) { $alert = $warn; $bg = "#F88"; } else { $bg = "#ACF"; }
<div class='progress'>
<div class='prgtext'><?php echo "$fs - $dp"; ?>% Disk Used</div>
<div class='prgbar' style='width:<?php echo $dp; ?>%;background:<?php echo $bg; ?>'></div>
<div class='prginfo'>
<span style='float: left;'><?php echo "$du of $dt used"; ?></span>
<span style='float: right;'><?php echo "$df of $dt free"; ?></span>
<span style='clear: both;'></span>
// Calculate Inode usage:
$inf = `/bin/df -i $fs | grep $fs | awk '{print $4}'`;
$int = `/bin/df -i $fs | grep $fs | awk '{print $2}'`;
$inu = $int - $inf;
$inp = sprintf('%.2f',($inu / $int) * 100);
$inf = formatInodes($inf);
$inu = formatInodes($inu);
$int = formatInodes($int);
if ( $inp >= $warn ) { $alert = $warn; $bg = "#F88"; } else { $bg = "#ACF"; }
<div class='progress'>
<div class='prgtext'><?php echo "$fs - $inp"; ?>% Inodes Used</div>
<div class='prgbar' style='width:<?php echo $inp; ?>%;background:<?php echo $bg; ?>'></div>
<div class='prginfo'>
<span style='float: left;'><?php echo "$inu of $int used"; ?></span>
<span style='float: right;'><?php echo "$inf of $int free"; ?></span>
<span style='clear: both;'></span>
<hr />
if ( $alert >= $warn ) {
print "WARNING: disk space is low";
} else {
print "OK: disk space is below $warn %";
function formatSize( $bytes )
$types = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' );
for( $i = 0; $bytes >= 1024 && $i < ( count( $types ) -1 ); $bytes /= 1024, $i++ );
return( round( $bytes, 2 ) . " " . $types[$i] );
function formatInodes( $inodes )
$types = array( '', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T' );
for( $i = 0; $inodes >= 1000 && $i < ( count( $types ) -1 ); $inodes /= 1000, $i++ );
return( round( $inodes, 2 ) . $types[$i] );
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